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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - knot


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узел (напр. сетки при интерполяции); вершина (напр. графа) || являться узлом или вершиной; образовывать узел или вершину

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См. в других словарях

  1) узел; узловая завязка2) свищ (в отливке)•chain knot ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • важнейший вопрос• важнейший момент• запутанное положение ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
   1) узел  2) завязывать узел ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. узел tight knot —- тугой узел hair in a knot on top of her head —- пучок на макушке to make a knot in a —- горе завязать узел на веревке to tie a string in a knot —- завязать шнурок узлом to secure smth. with a knot —- закрепить что-л. узлом to loosen a knot —- ослабить узел 2. шнурок; бант; галун; аксельбант mourning knot —- траурная ленточка (в петлице) 3. моток (ниток, пряжи) 4. запутанный клубок, запутанное положение a knot of contradictions —- узел противоречий inextricable knot —- безвыходное положение a matter full of legal knots —- в деле полно юридических загвоздок to tie oneself in knots —- запутаться в чем-л., сбиться с толку to unravel a knot —- выйти из затруднения 5. важнейший вопрос, момент the knot of the matter —- основной вопрос 6. главная сюжетная линия (пьесы) 7. кучка, группа, группка a little knot of boys —- кучка мальчишек to stand in knots —- стоять кучками a knot of trees —- купа деревьев 8. разг. судорога, спазм his stomach was all in knots —- у него схватило живот 9. разг. узы. союз wedding knot —- брачные узы to tie the knot —- связать узами брака; выйти замуж; жениться 10. нарост, утолщение, шишка; затвердение; узел to feel a knot under the skin —- нащупать шишку под кожей 11. прыщ; бородавка 12. сук; свиль (в дереве) 13. тех. свищ (в отливке) 14. ком, сгусток 15. небольшой скалистый холм 16. рельефное украшение...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) узел 2) нарост, кап 3) сук, сучок, свиль (о древесине) 4) орнит. исландский песочник (Calidris canutus) – American knot – embryonal knot – nerve knot – primitive knot – root knot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) узы, союз 2) мор. узел (1853 м) 2. гл. 1) завязывать, связывать 2) запутывать, спутывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) узел; узловая завязка; соединять узлом 2) узел; опорная точка (в параметрическом поле) 3) свищ (в отливке) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) завязывать узел 2) морской узел 3) свиль 4) соединять узлом 5) сучок 6) узел false lover's knot — узел ложной дружбы special alternating knot — специальный альтернативный узел standardly fibered knot — стандартно расслоенный узел strongly reflexive knot — строго зеркальный узел true lover's knot — двойной узел, узел истинной дружбы - algebraical knot - alternating knot - amphicheiral knot - ascending knot - cable knot - cable of knot - clover-leaf knot - combinatorial knot - composite knot - descending knot - differentiable knot - double knot - fibered knot - figure-eight knot - fixed knot - framed knot - free knot - granny knot - invertible knot - isolated knot - knot cobordism - knot complement - knot diagram - knot genus - knot graph - knot group - knot manifold - knot module - knot of tree - knot polynomial - knot projection - knot sequence - knot set - knot space - multidimensional knot - multiple knot - noninvertible knot - overhand knot - parallel knot - polygonal knot - pretzel knot - prime knot - proper knot - rank of knot - reflexive knot - ribbon knot - saddle knot - saturated knot - simple knot - slice knot - spherical knot - spun knot - square knot - standard knot - stevedore's knot - superspun knot - tame knot - topological knot - torus knot - trefoil knot - trivial knot - true knot - two-bridge knot - two-dimensional knot - unknotted knot - wild knot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  узел сучок; сук ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сук; сучок 2) узел; узелок 3) свищ (в отливке) 4) узловая свиль; шлир (дефект стекла) 5) текст. сукрутина 6) текст. куфта 7) узел (внесистемная единица скорости судна) - glass knot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a an intertwining of a rope, string, tress of hair, etc., with another, itself, or something else to join or fasten together. b a set method of tying a knot (a reef knot). c a ribbon etc. tied as an ornament and worn on a dress etc. d a tangle in hair, knitting, etc. 2 a a unit of a ship's or aircraft's speed equivalent to one nautical mile per hour (see nautical mile). b a division marked by knots on a log-line, as a measure of speed. c colloq. a nautical mile. 3 (usu. foll. by of) a group or cluster (a small knot of journalists at the gate). 4 something forming or maintaining a union; a bond or tie, esp. of wedlock. 5 a hard lump of tissue in an animal or human body. 6 a a knob or protuberance in a stem, branch, or root. b a hard mass formed in a tree trunk at the intersection with a branch. c a round cross-grained piece in timber where a branch has been cut through. d a node on the stem of a plant. 7 a difficulty; a problem. 8 a central point in a problem or the plot of a story etc. 9 (in full porter's knot) Brit. hist. a double shoulder-pad and forehead-loop used for carrying loads. --v. (knotted, knotting) 1 tr. tie (a string etc.) in a knot. 2 tr. entangle. 3 tr. knit (the brows). 4 tr. unite closely or intricately (knotted together in intrigue). 5 a intr. make knots for fringing. b tr. make (a fringe) with knots. Phrases and idioms at a rate of knots colloq. very fast. get knotted! sl. an expression of disbelief, annoyance, etc. knot-garden an intricately designed formal garden. knot-hole a hole in a piece of timber where a knot has fallen out (sense 6). tie in knots colloq. baffle or confuse completely. Derivatives knotless adj. knotter n. knotting n. (esp. in sense 5 of v.). Etymology: OE cnotta f. WG 2. n. a small sandpiper, Calidris canutus. Etymology: ME: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cnotta; akin to Old High German ~o ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies forming a lump or knob (as for fastening or tying together)  b. the lump or knob so formed  c. a tight constriction or the sense of constriction my stomach was all in ~s  2. something hard to solve ; problem a matter full of legal ~s  3. a bond of union; especially the marriage bond  4.  a. a protuberant lump or swelling in tissue a ~ in a gland  b. the base of a woody branch enclosed in the stem from which it arises; also its section in lumber  5. a cluster of persons or things ; group  6. an ornamental bow of ribbon ; cockade  7.  a. a division of the log's line serving to measure a ship's speed  b.  (1) one nautical mile per hour  (2) one nautical mile — not used technically  8. a closed curve in three-dimensional space  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 1547  transitive verb  1. to tie in or with a ~ ; form ~s in  2. to unite closely or intricately ; entangle  3. tie 4b ~ted the score  intransitive verb to form ~s  • ~ter noun  III. noun  (plural ~s or ~)  Etymology: Middle English ~t  Date: 15th century either of two sandpipers (Calidris canutus and C. tenuirostris) that breed in the Arctic and winter in temperate or warm parts of the New and Old World ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (knots, knotting, knotted) 1. If you tie a knot in a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight. One lace had broken and been tied in a knot. N-COUNT 2. If you knot a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight. He knotted the laces securely together... He knotted the bandanna around his neck. ...a knotted rope. VERB: V n with together, V n, V-ed 3. If you feel a knot in your stomach, you get an uncomfortable tight feeling in your stomach, usually because you are afraid or excited. There was a knot of tension in his stomach. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. If your stomach knots or if something knots it, it feels tight because you are afraid or excited. I felt my stomach knot with apprehension... The old dread knotted her stomach. VERB: V, V n 5. If part of your face or your muscles knot, they become tense, usually because you are worried or angry. His forehead knotted in a frown. ...his knotted muscles. VERB: V, V-ed 6. A knot in a piece of wood is a small hard area where a branch grew. N-COUNT 7. A knot is a unit of speed. The speed of ships, aircraft, and winds is measured in knots. They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots. N-COUNT: usu num N 8. If you tie yourself in knots, you get very confused and anxious. (INFORMAL) The press agent tied himself in knots trying to apologise. PHRASE: V inflects 9. If you say that two people tie the knot, you mean that they get married. (INFORMAL) Len tied the knot with Kate five years ago. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TIED STRING« a join made by tying together two ends of rope, cloth, string etc  (Here, let me fix the knot in your tie. | Can you help me undo this knot?) 2 »HAIR« a) a mass of hairs, threads etc accidentally twisted together  (I can't get the knots out of my hair.) b) a way of arranging your hair into a tight round shape at the back of your head 3 »SHIP'S SPEED« written abbreviation kt a measure of speed used for ships and aircraft that is about 1853 metres per hour 4 »PEOPLE« a small group of people standing close together 5 »HARD MASS« a hard mass that is formed by a lot of things that are close together  (a knot of muscles) 6 »WOOD« a hard round place in a piece of wood where a branch once joined the tree. 7 a knot in your stomach/throat etc a hard uncomfortable feeling in your stomach etc caused by a strong emotion such as fear or anger  (- see also Gordian knot, at a rate of knots rate1 (7), tie the knot tie2 (4), tie yourself (up) in knots tie2 (5)) ~2 v knotted, knotting 1 to tie together two ends of rope, cloth, string etc 2 a) if hair or threads knot they become twisted together b) knot your hair c) to arrange and fasten your hair into a tight round shape at the back of your head 3 if a muscle or other part of your body knots, or is knotted it feels hard and uncomfortable  (Fear and anxiety knotted her stomach.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hobby abbr. Kollectors Of Nasty Old Ties sport abbr. Kenyir Nature Outdoors Team NASDAQ abbr. The Knot KNOU radio st. abbr. FM-104.5, Empire/ New Orleans, Louisiana ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. cnotta, from P.Gmc. *knuttan-. The nautical unit of measure is from the practice of attaching knotted string to the log line. The ship's speed can be measured by the number of knots that play out while the sand glass is running. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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